Biggest Fan: John Rohner "Says 'you can't see me'. He has won so many matches. He can pick up the Big Show. He's an icon."

John Cena burst upon the scene in the WWE less than nine years ago, battling Kurt Angle in his first match and taking the former champion to the limit, even kicking up from the Angle Slam. This impressive debut, and the popularity of the white rapper gimmick he would soon adopt, made Cena an incredibly popular superstar early on in his career. So, it's no wonder that he's already done enough in only one decade of action to be ranked so highly on this list.
The timing worked out perfectly for John Cena to become a megastar in wrestling. John Bradshaw Layfield was the reigning WWE Champion for most of 2004 and the beginning of 2005. Nothing against JBL, but not one of our experts placed him anywhere on their lists, so to say that the opportunity was there for an exciting young talent to take over would probably be an accurate statement. So, at WrestleMania 21 (while Edge was winning the Money in the Bank briefcase that would ultimately result in the end of Cena's reign), JBL found himself on the business end of an F-U (the fireman's carry-esque finisher Cena employs) and dropped the title to John Cena.
Cena's first reign lasted for 280 days (tied for the 12th-longest in history with the JBL reign immediately preceding it and Yokozuna's lengthy post-Hulkamania run), but would be overshadowed in length by his third reign which lasted 380 days, the sixth-longest in the storied history of the WWF/WWE. Cena is currently the WWE Champion, his eighth time, and has been the top dog in the WWE for 994 days over those eight title runs. If he can retain the title for another five weeks, he will pass Pedro Morales and whittle down the list of men who have held the championship longer than him to three. At age 34, this superstar and 2008 Royal Rumble winner still has plenty of productive years ahead of him. But he's already done more than enough to secure a spot here at #38 on our list, and he may be the #1 active superstar in the world today.