
The Beginnings

World Wrestling Entertainment continues to purport themselves as chief historian of professional wrestling throughout history. Their objectivity we cannot help but question. Their attempts to promote their current product and unique brand of entertainment can be seen in their every attempt to "honor" professional wrestling's storied past. From the seemingly random process for inducting wrestlers into the Hall of Fame to their agenda-driven DVD releases, the WWE has proven that they cannot be trusted to be an impartial chronicler of history. And so, our panel of nine experts has sought to right the WWE's wrongs. The most outrageous of the fallacies they have thrust upon us was the release of a DVD called Top 50 Superstars of All Time. So insulting was this DVD's choice of superstars, that it forced a young boy to defiantly create his own list. And soon, others joined this 7-year-old and created their own lists. And shortly after that, a man made an Excel spreadsheet compiling and computing data from nine different Top 50 Superstars lists. This data will be analyzed and soon a new, comprehensive list of Top Superstars will be revealed on this very site. Stay tuned, wrestling fans.

Jamie Andrews, 29
Jon Baltos, 29
Lucas Keyes, 29
Jane Picard, 53
Barry M. Reardon, 57
Jesse Reardon, 30
Joe Reardon, 26
John Rohner, 7
Joe Timmins, 30

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