
#82: Ken Shamrock

Real Name: Kenneth Wayne Kilpatrick
Biggest Fan: Barry M. Reardon

It would be very easy to write paragraph upon paragraph describing Ken Shamrock's career as a fighter, but this list is about professional wrestlers, so while "The World's Most Dangerous Man" might be just that, only his wrestling superstardom comes into play here.

Ken Shamrock was already quite famous when he signed on to compete in the World Wrestling Federation. The notoriety allowed him to immediately jump into meaningful storylines with some of the company's top competitors, including Vader and the Hart Foundation. He also was tasked, within a month of arriving in the WWF, with refereeing the submission match between Bret Hart and Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13. Because if there was one thing Shamrock knew about, it was submission holds.

Shortly after capturing his first title, winning a tournament for the vacant Intercontinental Championship, the reigning King of the Ring aligned himself with the reviled owner of the WWF, Vince McMahon. As one of the key members of Vince's Corporation, he was certainly one of wrestling's biggest stars. Soon he teamed up with fellow McMahon henchman, the Big Boss Man, to win the WWF Tag Team titles, which he held concurrently with his singles belt.

After amazing feuds with Steve Blackman, Chris Jericho and Curtis Hughes, Shamrock departed the WWF to resume his mixed martial arts career. If he hadn't felt the pull of his old profession calling him back, would we be listing this master of the ankle lock as the best superstar of all time? Sadly, we will never know.

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